Short Code Service

Short Code Service

Short code is a unique special service created to change full telephone numbers to show sms and mns messages that can help form to effectively create leads.

Short code are designed to be easier to read and to keep In mind than normal telephone numbers short code are always with automated services.A automated program can handle the response and topically need the sender to begin the message with a command word or prefix the service then respond to the command appropriately in advertisement or in other printed material where provider has to notify about both the prefix and short code number the advertisement will typically follow this format.

E.g. long version… Text football to 72404 for latest football news.

E.g.2 short version football@72404.

Features Of Short Code :

  • Committed short codes.
  • Unlimited keywords including subkeywords.
  • Integrated short codes (Via API) 99% uptime and uninterrupted services.
  • 24×7 support cost.

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